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Hire a Floor Sweeper

Fleetclean’s floor sweeping machines are the most productive way of removing dirt, grit and small debris from your floors without creating any dust. Dust can be a major issue where manual sweeping creates clouds of dust which then resettles on product, shelving, walls and equipment.

Interested in hiring a Sweeper?Call: 01977 607087

Why Hire a Sweeper?

Sweeper vacuums are excellent for controlling dust and sweeping large floor areas quickly and economically. The enclosed waste hopper and integral vacuum help to ensure dust free sweeping even in the most demanding environments. From walk behind to ride on machines, battery driven to engine driven, Fleetclean have a hire machine to suit your requirements.

Pre-sweeping also ensures that you receive the best results possible from your scrubber drier. Fleetclean can even arrange a survey of your premises to recommend the ideal equipment for your needs and offer you a free quotation.

How we can help

Cleaning Equipment for Sale:

  • Floor Cleaning Equipment
  • Pressure Washers
  • Carpet Cleaners
  • Steam Cleaners
Have a question? Call our team todayCall: 01977 607087
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